Thursday, October 11, 2012

possibly going to try selling crafts....

So after a visit to a cute boutique in Santaquin today I have been playing around with the idea to either build some stuff to put in a boutique or to sell some things on etsy. I’m super nervous I won’t sell anything though. I love to sew, to crochet and cross stitch. But I figure I might as well try the extra money would be so nice. But I figured that I need to start getting my blog together so people know a little about me. So I’m going to do a brief summary of the stuff that I have made lately J. Any ideas or comments would be super helpful!! Some of the patterns I used are from other blogs so i tried to post the links at the bottom (dont want anyone to think I am trying to steal their hard work). 
Here is a cute turtle toy that I just barely made. Took me a few tries to get it right but I love it and so does my daughter Joely.
Some binky clips
 Boppy cover with my super cheesy model :)

 Boy puppy beanie
 Here is a fleece carseat cover. I figured the weight of the material would help it to stay down when the wind is blowing and should be good to keep the heat in

Cross stitch. I really need to take a better picture because its really much cuter.
 Jacket that I made from on old work t-shirt

 Reused M for a halloween wreath!

Here is what it used to look like
 Newborn sized owl beanie

Puppy! One of my favorite for sure

Quilt for our bed
 Some different shoes, I've made more but i guess I didn't take many pictures

Crib quilt. Im not impressed with these pictures either so hopefully I will remember to update them soon
 This is the blanket in half so you can see front and back together
So im sure that was super long and boring for anyone that reads this but I just had to get them all up there. And any suggestions or comments would be great! I have some more projects that I have made in the past that I want to post too but that will have to wait until I take some more pictures.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

33 weeks

I am now 33 weeks along! we are getting so close. I can't wait for her to be here already. I have not grown any or gained much weight since week 29 so this has been causing some major concerns. We had to go in for an extra ultra sound last week, she was facing my tailbone, head down, with her feet by her face so we couldn't even see anything but she is definitely ready to come out. I have also been having a lot of really painful contractions, I guess thats to get me prepared for whats in store.I went to the doctor yesterday and of course they ask if I've been eating and stupid stuff like that, of course I've been eating!! Yesterday at the doctor I had to do a non-stress test (they hooked me up to a bunch of machines and measured contractions and the babies heart), it was pretty cool just sitting there listening to her heart beat. I love her so much already! I hope she doesn't come too soon, I don't feel ready yet, I still need so much stuff. Thats all for now!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Wow I'm bad at this...

So my last post was almost a full year ago holy cow... But Carly has inspired me to try to update this, we'll see how that goes. So much has happened in the last year. We are pregnant and due Feb 17th! Only ten more weeks to go, I am so excited but so nervous I do not feel prepared at all, but I promised that I would wait until my baby showers are over before I start buying stuff. I do have diapers and some clothes thanks to my Mom and Kelli. I am feeling very huge but still kinda proud of myself that I have tons of energy and am not having too much trouble getting around (yet). We haven't gone to the gym since Sawyer was born which is really depressing, hopefully I can get Dustin to go with me tonight. Its crazy to look back on the last year and try to remember everything that has happened. I just can't do it all right now or i'll have a crazy long post that no one will read lol. We just went to Friday Harbor, WA for our one year anniversary, I love Dustin so so much and he is the perfect man for me, I would not be where I am today without him. And I just love being married, having my best friend there with me all the time is amazing. I can't wait to have a baby to join our little family. I will post again soon, hopefully with pictures next time!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Blah Blah

I got the job at Gillett Diesel and I start on Monday! I'm pretty excited for that. Erin agreed to come in and train me thank goodness or I would be completely lost. She has the cutest baby ever!!! It feels so weird to be quitting working here, it feels like I've been here forever, I love the people here and we've been through a lot, I really respect my boss and have learned a lot from him and those around me. Thank you guys for everything! Kelley and I have grown to be really good friends and I hope we never lose that, I hope she gets better soon and can have a fun crazy life. I love you Kel! We are still living with Cory and Danielle hopefully we'll get closer to having our condo. Then I'll feel much better, I like knowing that I have a home to go to, a place to escape from the world with my husband, he is so so good to me, I have no idea where I would be without him. He is always there when I'm sad or mad he knows what to say and what to do. I could not have married a better man than him. Kelli's birthday is today and it's so crazy to think that she is 17, she's too old. I love her so much and we haven't always been friends but we are now. I wish we were still closer I definitely miss the nights just hanging out in our room together or sleeping on the top bunk together, I miss my best friend!!! I would definitely love to have her in my life more now a days but I guess we all have different priorities now. I love her so so much! Happy Birthday Bean!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Moving tomorrow

We are moving out of our apartment tomorrow morning! I'm pretty excited, I just wish we were moving into our condo. We will be staying with Cory and Danielle. Hopefully within the next two weeks we can be in our new home. I have a job interview with Gillett tonight and I'm pretty dang nervous, then we are off to Surf and Swim with my family, I cant wait to swim even though I can't really swim.

Friday, January 22, 2010

My birthday

Today is my birthday and its going really great so far! I woke up to my sweet husband and of course he was too excited to keep my present until tonight so he showed me this morning that he bought me tickets to go see Jason Aldean in March. I am so so so excited because he is my absolute favorite ever! I've been listening to his CD ever since haha. We are headed up to my Mom's tonight for some fettuccine and chocolate cake, I love my mom so much she is so amazing to me. Last night Shanee took me to eat at in-n-out I love that girl, she gave me a card from her and Bonnie and of course Abby ate it while we signed all our paperwork for more applications for the condo. We are getting closer and closer, hopefully it won't take too long for the rest of the process to go through!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


We have been playing with the idea of getting a condo/house for a long time now and yesterday we were approved for a loan and we found one we really love in Eagle Mountain. So we are crossing our fingers that everything can be done before the end of the month, otherwise I don't know where we will live until it does, our apartment lease ends on the 31st. we're thinking cardboard box probably. I know most people think we are dumb for moving up there but I can't wait to be able to go running outside and not worry about being attacked. Abby can run wherever she wants and we have family and friends there. It will be an awesome adventure for us and I can't wait!! I am realizing more and more how grateful I am that we have Abby, last night at about 4 in the morning Dustin's blood sugar went low, Abby started pacing back and force from the bed to the door and finally she started crying I considered getting up to take her out but woke up Dustin instead (scary place at night), he got up and took her out and realized that he was low, without her who knows what would have happened... I love my Abby dog!!